• Panorama apartment Königsspitze for 2-4 person - Apartment at Resia Pass
  • Panorama apartment Weisskugel for 2-4 person - Apartment at Resia Pass
  • Panorama apartment Königsspitze for 2-4 person - Apartment at Resia Pass
  • Apartements at Resia Pass - Alpines lake and mountain Residence in summer
  • Apartements at Resia Pass - Alpines lake and mountain Residence in summer


Links and tips for your holiday at the Resia Pass

We constantly update this page according to your needs. We will be happy to give you advice and suggestions for your holidays at Pass Resia in South Tyrol. Here you will find a list of links to plan your holiday in the best way possible

Service und Tipps Urlaub am Reschenpass
Service und Tipps Urlaub am Reschenpass
Service und Tipps Urlaub am Reschenpass

Restaurants near Pass Resia

  • at 0 metri- Restaurant Schwarzer Adler
  • at 50 metri – Pizzeria Reschnerhof
  • at 400 metri – Restaurant Cafè Mohrenstuben
  • at 500 metri – Restaurant Edelweiß
  • at 600 metri – Restaurant Hotel al lago
  • at 650 metri – Pizzeria Etschquelle
  • at 800 metri – Restaurant Mein Dörfl
  • at 850 metri – Alpine Diner Hotel Eden
  • at 1,6 KM – Pizzeria Irene
  • at 1,7 KM – Pizzeria Hans
  • Online Restaurant guide for the Venosta Valley
  • Recipes ideas :)
Service und Tipps Urlaub am Reschenpass

Shops in Resia

  • groceries Folie
  • Sport Folie
  • butcher Folie
  • groceries Folie Verena
  • Leone Barbara

Hairdresser in Resia

  • Salon Helmuth
  • Salon Christine
